Infinite Campus Portal Information
Infinite Campus Portal Information
The Wright City R-II School District believes that parent, student and staff communication is essential for our students' success. One way to increase this communication link is through the use of the Infinite Campus portal. This portal provides students and parents with real-time access to homework, grades, attendance, behavior, lunch balances and more.
Portal accounts for students and legal guardians are automatically created when they enroll. Students can use their computer login information to access the portal. If a student's guardian wishes to give access to a non-guardian (step-parent, grandparent, etc) the legal guardian must complete the Infinite Campus Portal Amendment Form.pdf and return it in person to Central Office. It is important that parents obtain their own login and that they do not use their student's login to access the portal.
Student & Parent Portal Guide
How to set your security preferences
How to make online food service payments
How to Activate Your Campus Portal Account
Click here to Activate your Campus Portal Account
Campus Parent and Campus Student Mobile Apps
Infinite Campus has two new and improved mobile apps: Campus Parent (for parents) and Campus Student (for students). These free apps provide real-time access to grades, assignments, attendance, schedules, announcements and more. Download on the App Store
Get it on Google Play If you are using the old Infinite Campus Mobile Portal app, please download the new app. The old app is no longer supported.
Don’t have an Infinite Campus Portal Account?
Guardians should receive an activation email within a week of completing their student's Online Registration. If you did not receive an activation email, please contact Central Office.
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