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Volunteer Registration

Please click on the Volunteer Program page below to review our registration process and fill out all the required forms. Contact your building secretary for further questions. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can the district use a background check I have with another organization?

Unfortunately, no. When a background check is processed using the district’s code, it allows the district to receive up-to-date criminal history information when an individual is fingerprinted for a criminal offense. Wright City R-II is not authorized to receive those updates through other entities. For privacy reasons, our current licensed personnel are only allowed to access this information for those who have agreed to the program through our district code.

Do I need a background check to attend my student’s class party?

No, in this case, you are a visitor to school during an event and will not be left alone with children.

Do I need a background check to be a field trip chaperone?

Yes. We are in compliance with § 168.133 RSMo 2019 and strive to ensure a safe environment for all of our students.

Do I need to renew my background check?

We do our best to make sure volunteer rap backs are kept on file as long as the volunteer is  active in the district. If, however, you leave the district or become inactive for a period of time we can no longer continue to keep your rap back on file as a measure to protect your privacy. In that case, there may be a need to have your fingerprints processed again. If you keep in communication with central office about your plans to volunteer again or not, we will be able to stay in compliance and keep your volunteer authorization active as long as it is needed.

Where may I go to be fingerprinted?

Find your nearest location here, but be sure to first register with MACHS (1-844-543-9712) using the district code 2142 before you make your appointment.


Along with registering your fingerprints with MACHS, please open the form linked below and submit to your building secretary or to

Volunteer Agreement form