Communicating with the Board
To provide for full and open communication between the public and the Board, the Board authorized the various avenues for the exchange of information, ideas and opinions.
Grievance through Established Policy and Procedure
Students, employees, and any members of the public are encouraged to utilize established policies and procedures for offering suggestions or addressing concerns and complaints prior to bringing the issue before the Board. The Board believes that many issues can be resolved by communication with teachers, administrators, and other staff and may refuse to address an issue if the individual presenting it has not first attempted to resolve the matter through established procedures and policies.
Written Correspondence
Written correspondence may be directed to the Board, through the superintendent, for consideration at a meeting. Copies of all correspondence directed to the Board will be made available to all Board members. Statements of two (2) pages or less are encouraged.
Agenda Items
Any member of the public who wishes to have an item placed on the agenda will present the request in writing to the superintendent or designee. The request must be submitted pursuant to Board policy and received five (5) business days prior to the scheduled meeting. The item will then be appropriately placed on the agenda. The Board reserves the right to impose reasonable restrictions on the topics and the number of items to be considered, the number of spokespersons, and the speaking time of spokespersons appearing before the Board. If the meeting agenda is full, the Board reserves the right to reschedule an item for the next regular meeting. The Board may refuse to address an issue that has not gone through the appropriate grievance procedure, or that is inappropriate for Board review. The Board reserves the right to waive formalities in emergency situations, within the limitations of the law.
Public Hearings
From time to time, the Board will schedule a public hearing to receive input on matters of concern to the community, such as setting the district's tax rate. The public will be provided notice of such hearings as required by law.
Public Comment
The board encourages residents to utilize the process for placing items on the agenda but will also specifically designate time for district residents to provide public comments at regular meetings of the board. Persons desiring to address the board in open session shall comply with the following rules outlined in Policy BDDH-1:
- Persons wishing to speak during public comments will sign up at the meeting and identify the agenda item.
- Public comments shall be allotted 20 minutes. The 20 minutes will be divided amongst the number of people desiring to speak on an agenda item not to exceed four minutes per person. The board president will designate a timekeeper.
- Written information should be submitted to the superintendent prior to the meeting so it can be distributed to the board.
- No individual will be permitted to speak more than once during this period.
- Persons addressing the board are advised that they should not expect a response from the board at the time of their presentation.
- Comments concerning individual students or staff members should be submitted to the board in writing. Because the board is bound by numerous state and federal confidentiality laws, the board will only respond to issues involving individual students or staff members in closed session. To be placed on the district's agenda, a written request should be sent to the superintendent five days prior to the next meeting.
- Discussion will be limited to items from the posted agenda.
- All speakers must provide their name and address prior to speaking.
- All speakers are reminded that they are liable for any defamatory comments made during the public comment portion of the meeting. Comments will be kept courteous, respectful and appropriate so the board may use the information to make quality, informed decisions that sure in the best interest of the district.
- If there is insufficient time for everyone to speak, the board will encourage participants to submit their questions in writing or utilize the process for putting an item on the agenda.